Customer Testimonials

Tyson Blais

I think the best word to describe Premier Stone is WOW! They cut and installed a beautiful vanity, desk top for my house and it was amazing. I have heard horror stories about other granite companies, but these guys were just the opposite; great customer service, highest quality fabrication and installation that I have ever seen, and the most honest contractors I have ever dealt with. I would highly recommend Premier Stone to anyone who is looking to install granite in their home!

Tammy Farmer

We have done business with Premier Stone several times. We have found them to courteous and helpful. We highly recommend them .

Bonese Harris

Premier Stone provides excellent customer service from start to finish. They took the time to move slabs around so we could get a better look at at them while picking out granite for our projects. The installations went smoothly since they did a great job of templating the tops. We would highly recommend Premier Stone to everyone.

Joan Ball

I wasn’t sure if I wanted granite in our new kitchen because I was concerned about the maintenance or how it would hold up over the years. The owners listened to all my concerns, showed me how their quality staff prepares and seals the stone and provided a guarantee for any damages that may occur. That put me at ease. We were given a no obligation estimate and after comparing the quality and estimate to other dealers we found there was no others who provided the same high quality service for the excellent price. Premier Stone is the whole package-the dealer, contractor, fabricator, and installer. The Premier Stone staff were all very professional from the crew who came to measure our counters, the fabricators who prepared and sealed the stone, the staff that installed our counters and cleaned up afterwards right down to the owners who kept in touch throughout the project.
My husband and I are very very pleased with how beautiful the counters look and appreciate the excellent professional care and service we have received from Premier Stone. I would definitely recommend to anyone looking to install counters in your home (kitchen, bath, or laundry room) to consider Premier Stone. You will not be disappointed.

Carol King

“Great staff! Outstanding selection. They go the extra mile to make sure you get the granite that’s prefect for you.”